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This is the Gift

A Wedding Gift for all the right reasons.

A small sturdy table/ bench/ stool, the height of a chair, it will find a place in their home and be useful and enduring.The simple symbolism it contains, perhaps first unseen, becomes apparent on some reflection.

The top provides protection and allows the couple to share the weight of their world. The names are carved on alternate sides. This gives each person their own outlook their own equal space and no one comes first.

The dates are carved on the ends, thus the names are held together by the wedding day. The bench is made of oak, a hardwood with strength and character.

So like a marriage, with some care and concern, both will last a long time.

A Toronto tradition since the early 1940s. Started by Ridpaths Fine Furniture and continued by Shepherd’s Cottage of Markham.

Memory Bench



Under the top engraving

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Additional information

Weight 8.16 kg
Dimensions 33.02 × 50.8 × 48.26 cm
Choose a Bench Style:

Traditional Memory Bench aka Douglas Stool, Modern Memory Bench

Choose a Stain Colour:

Antique Extra Dark (most popular), Walnut Stain, Natural Blonde

